What is a Walking Pad? How to Walk Your Way to Weight Loss

What is a Walking Pad? How to Walk Your Way to Weight Loss

Moving your soul through a healthy range of motion with light exercise keeps it working smoothly. It can plane help prevent future health issues. Luckily, there is a simple solution: a walking pad.

Whether you’re working, watching TV, or cooking, a walking pad can help transpiration any sedentary worriedness into an zippy one. Their meaty size and affordable, lightweight diamond make them increasingly outgoing than traditional treadmills.

Here, we’ll take a closer squint at why it’s important to uplift your daily steps, everything you need to know well-nigh walking pads, and how they can help you lose weight.

Why Daily Steps Are So Crucial

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We typically think of movement and calorie expenditure in terms of minutes of exercise. But, a lot of our daily worriedness ultimately comes from non-exercise worriedness thermogenesis

So, what is NEAT? In short, NEAT includes all the activities we fit into our rented schedules that aren’t “exercise.” Think of things like walking to lunch, pacing on the phone, cleaning, cooking, climbing up and lanugo stairs, watching your kids, folding laundry — the list goes on.

Basically, NEAT is comprised of all the daily tasks that require some kind of physical activity. (But you wouldn’t consider it “exercise,” per se.)

Why is NEAT So Important?

Dr. James Levine of the Mayo Clinic explains the importance of NEAT and the worthwhile opportunity for weight loss and other health gains.

Dr. Levine pioneered the treadmill desk, and his studies showed that when a healthy individual walks at a slow pace of virtually 1-2 mph during the workday, they can shrivel a significant value of uneaten calories. This can make a huge impact in people’s weight loss efforts. It’s not sweaty exercise; it’s just resulting movement!

Levine makes the inveigling treatise that NEAT could shrivel up to 1,000 uneaten calories per day when widow strategically to the workday. He moreover explained that obese individuals perform drastically less NEAT than those within a healthy weight range.

As we uncork to understand the importance of NEAT, it’s easy to see how working from home or sitting at a sedentary all day can be quite an obstacle. How can you incorporate increasingly movement into your day when you’re glued to a desk?

That’s where walking pads come into play!

Walking Pads vs. Treadmills

A walking pad treadmill next to small dumbbells and a workout ball.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Both walking pads and archetype treadmills provide an opportunity for cardiovascular exercise. They are both exercise equipment tools with a user-friendly operation that can be used in a home gym or home office. However, the two have pretty stark differences.


Treadmills are wontedly known for their powerful performance and have been a staple running machine in home gyms for years. They are typically heavy and immobile and take up quite a bit of space. Treadmills have many unconfined features, like incline tenancy and higher maximum speed capacities. They can be used for anything from a daily walk to an intense run.

Walking Pads

On the other hand, walking pads are a newer product on the market. With many workers trying to gainsay sitting at a sedentary all day and social media trends like cozy cardio, it makes sense that these walking pads are quickly gaining popular product reviews.

These meaty treadmill options are smaller, have lower speed capacities, and are usually portable, making them a unconfined option for limited space. They are a simpler, increasingly affordable option that allows you to walk for a long time in your home office or living room. Some have the topics for running, but not nearly in the same way as a traditional treadmill does.

What Are the Benefits of Walking Pads?

A woman walking on a walking pad treadmill in her living room.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Walking pads work well just well-nigh anywhere. Any space from a small suite to a home will work!

Whether working from home or watching TV, the uneaten steps will goody your health and unstipulated mobility.

Here are just a few of the benefits of walking pads:

  • Increase NEAT worriedness hands at home
  • Compact designs are unconfined for small spaces
  • Easy to store when not in use
  • Easy way to stay zippy while working
  • Affordable pricing

How to Get Started With Walking Pads

A tropical up view of a persons feet walking on a walking pad.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Walking pads are variegated than traditional treadmills. If you’re just starting to learn well-nigh walking pads, here are a few things you should know:

  • Speed Capacity: Walking pads are made for slower movement than treadmills. Most walking pads have various speeds and will top out at a unrepealable point. Top speed can max out virtually 4 miles per hour. If you’re looking for higher speeds or an option for running, a traditional treadmill might be a largest fit.
  • Incline: Most walking pads do not come with an willowy incline feature. There are some available, but the widow functionality typically makes them bulkier like regular treadmills.
  • Portability: This is the eyeful of the walking pad. It works well in small spaces. The meaty diamond allows for easy storage under desks, beds, or standing versus the wall, saving you valuable space. Some models are plane foldable.
  • Size: These machines are made to be compact. Small, foldable, and movable designs are popular!
  • Weight Capacity: The weight topics for walking pads is much lower than a traditional treadmill. Common weight capacities are virtually 200-250 pounds. You’ll want to segregate an option that works with your weight limit.
  • Walking Pad Affordability: The good news is, since they are smaller and simpler than traditional treadmills, they are increasingly affordable, too! Many walking pads fall within the price range of $200 to $500.
  • Data Tracking: Fair warning: A fitness tracker on your wrist like the Apple Watch may not virtuously record your steps if you’re working at a standing desk. Typing and resting your stovepipe on the sedentary will throw off the tracking. Luckily, most of the walking pad models have features that report your speed, time, distance, and calories burned.

How Can a Walking Pad Help You Lose Weight?

Close up of a foot stepping onto a scale.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Walking pads are unconfined for weight loss! Incorporating increasingly steps into your day with a walking pad helps increase your calorie expenditure, which is key for losing weight.

But remember, your nutrition is essential, too. If you walk during your whole day but moreover eat a tuft of unhealthy snacks and sugary drinks, weight loss will be much harder!

That said, walking pads can certainly be helpful in your weight loss journey. If you’re once incorporating a healthy nutrition and towardly exercise levels, uneaten daily movement may help push you towards your goals.

The uneaten low-impact worriedness of walking can moreover relieve stiffness and soreness and help alimony your joints lubricated and strong, which helps you stay healthy and stave injury.

Strength training, core exercises, and yoga are all unconfined additions to expedite your weight loss journey. Walking pads can help with weight loss when you incorporate them into a well-rounded strategy!

3 Walking Workouts For Weight Loss

Fitness woman taking a unravel without running

Photo Credit: Depositphotos

If you want to start working out or get when in shape without taking a unravel from exercise, there’s no better—or increasingly convenient—form of exercise than walking. Walking is low-impact and doable for scrutinizingly everyone, but if weight loss is your goal, we’re here to tell you that intensity is the key to success.

How Many Steps Do You Really Need A Day To Lose Weight?

An older woman power walking in the woods with headphone on.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Are you wondering how many steps a day you need to lose weight?

When it comes to your daily step count, speed, intensity, and consistency unquestionably matter increasingly than just the total number if you’re serious well-nigh weight loss!

Here, we’ll explore how many steps a day are weightier for your weight loss goals.

Strength Training for Over-50 Women: Strong Exercises

chris freytag strength training

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

There are many factors involved in maintaining good physical and mental health as you age, but one of the most important things to consider as you grow older is weight training.

These strength training exercises are proven to get results for women over 50!